Islamic NATO: Is the ‘Islamic NATO’ going to be formed now with a danger lurking over India? New Islamic Brotherhood concept may turn as a new military front challenging rest of the world..
In any age of the existing world not a single war requires fire for extinguishing its fire. Peace does the needful against fire of hatred during a war. A war can never be extinguished by war. Iranian leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei needs to understand the simple thing. Creation of a new war front does not talk of peace. In today’s world peace is the last thing wanted by the nations at loggerhead with wars against each other.
Khamenei, the top Iranian leader has recently called for all the Muslim countries of the world to get unite against Israel. He also said that this is not the time for mutual differences. It is more important for us to stand with each other today against the enemy.
The worldwide spread of the communal tension today is increasing rapidly inside and outside India but also in many parts of the world. The circumstances are indicating that the situation can become too dire in the coming times. On one hand, there is turmoil in the Middle East and on the other hand, a strange war is going on between Russia and Ukraine. Thus the world seems to be divided into two camps. Clearly, one camp is standing with America and NATO countries and the others are joining hands like Russia, Iran, Belarus and North Korea.
Now suddenly amidst all this, the plan of a third group has also come up. The info says that twenty-five Muslim countries are indulged trying to prepare a new war front. On the lines of NATO, there is a strong effort to make a parallel Islamic NATO in the world. Controversial Muslim scholar Dr. Zakir Naik is playing a key role in carrying out this so-called big task sitting in Pakistan now. He appears desperate to somehow form the new Islamic war front called Islamic NATO.
People in general and the experts in particular are mulling over it and are trying to identify the next stage on the road to this war front. They feel that if Muslim NATO is formed, the world may move towards a great destruction since after the formation of this war front, the clash of three superpowers is certain.
One question amidst the discussions of forming Muslim NATO,may trouble India that if this group really comes into existence then how much danger can it pose to India?
The Islamic NATO is considered by the experts not more than a mere imagination. It is not possible to turn this imagination into hard grounds of reality. They say that when the organization named Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition of forty-two Muslim countries did not succeed in its objective earlier, then how far will the concept of Islamic NATO of twenty-five countries go?
This is not happening for the first time, say the experts. Nine years ago also, an unsuccessful attempt was made to form Islamic NATO. In the year 2015, an organization named Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition (IMCTC) was brought into existence. The purpose behind the formation of this organization was to form a front against terrorism, but IMCTC could neither free Syria from ISIS nor could it eliminate terrorism from Pakistan. This is because the purpose was not it.
The Islamic NATO’s formation of will further deteriorate the relations of Pakistan and Bangladesh with India. Both these countries, which are jealous of India – can openly come against India. Both these countries may make the worst mistake forgetting about their power and debilitated capacity under the influence of China and will try to wage war against India.
The mass killing of the remaining Hindus and minorities will begin in both these countries. The plans to regain Kashmir will get a boost and rest of the countries included in this organization can try to pressurize India regarding Kashmir at the behest of Pakistan.