Narain Singh Chaura, with a long history in militancy and Khalistani initiatives in Punjab, tried to shoot former Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) leader Sukhbir Singh Badal within the Golden Temple in Amritsar on Wednesday. The event occurred while Sukhbir Badal, who uses a wheelchair, was on “penalty” guard duty at the temple.
Chaura, however, was subdued by the temple officials present and subsequently handed over to the police. Chaura, linked to prohibited groups such as Babbar Khalsa International (BKI), faces approximately twelve cases filed against him, which include accusations of trafficking weapons and explosives.
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Who is Kalyin Singh Chaura?
- Born on April 4, 1956, in Chaura village close to Dera Baba Nanak (Gurdaspur), Narain Chaura is said to have connections with groups like the Khalistan Liberation Force and the Akal Federation. He is alleged to have assisted the mastermind behind the Burail jailbreak incident by supplying clothing and other goods to the inmates.
- Chaura had strong connections with well-known terrorists, such as Jagtar Singh Hawara, Paramjit Singh Bhiora, and Jagtar Singh Tara, who are charged with the murder of former Punjab Chief Minister Beant Singh.
- Narain Singh allegedly escaped to Pakistan in 1984 during the early stage of terrorism in Punjab. There, he played an essential part in trafficking significant shipments of weapons and explosives into India.
- In Pakistan, he is said to have authored a book on guerrilla tactics and rebellious writings.