Actor Anushka Sharma and her cricketer husband, Virat Kohli, recently paid a visit to Shri Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj in Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh. The couple’s meeting with the saint, along with their children Vamika and Akaay, has become viral on social media.
In the popular video, Anushka is observed requesting the “devotion of love” from the saint and noting that she frequently listens to his spiritual teachings. In the meantime, Virat remained silent, cradling Akaay in his arms, keenly paying attention to their discussion.
During her conversation with Premanand Maharaj, the actor said, “Pichli baar jab hum aaye they to mann mein kuch sawaal they. Mujeh laga ki puchungi lekin jo bhi baitha tha wahan pe, un sab ne kuch na kuch waisa sawaal kar liya tha. (When I visited last, there were a few questions weighing on my mind. I intended to pose those questions, but someone else more or less addressed them).”
She continued with a smile on her face, “Jab yahan pe aane ki baat kar rahe they, main aapse mann hi mann baat kar rahi thi. Agle din main Kanti Vartalap kholti thi aur koi na koi wo sawaal puch raha hota tha. Aap bas mujhe prem bhakti de do (While considering my arrival here, I was having a conversation with you in my thoughts. The following day, I would turn to ‘Kanti Vartalap’ and those inquiries would have been posed by another person. Right now, I just seek your blessings).”
Responding to Anushka, Premanand Maharaj remarked (in Hindi), “These individuals are quite courageous.” Committing yourself to God after attaining such recognition in the world is rather challenging. We believe that your (Anushka’s) dedication to God could influence him (Kohli) too.”
In the video, Shri Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj is heard commending Anushka for guiding Virat Kohli towards humility and faith, even though he is among the most accomplished individuals of his time.
Anushka and Virat have recently come back to India following the test series in Australia.