In the midst of a row regarding Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi’s sudden exit from the state Assembly, Raj Bhavan responded on Sunday to Chief Minister MK Stalin’s “childish” remark about the Governor, stating that such arrogance was inappropriate.
Stalin described Governor Ravi as “ridiculous” and “immature” after he exited the Assembly without giving his usual speech in protest of the national anthem not being played prior to the session on January 6.
In reply, Raj Bhavan stated that the “brazen insult” towards the nation and the Constitution would be unacceptable.
“Thiru @mkstalin asserts that insisting on due respect to the national anthem and doing fundamental duties enshrined in the Constitution is “absurd” and “childish”, Raj Bhavan tweeted.
“Thanks for betraying the true intentions of the coalition of interests and ideologies to which he is a leader that does not accept and respect Bharat as a nation and Constitution. Such arrogance is not good,” it said.
“Please do not forget that Bharat is the supreme mother and the Constitution the supreme faith for her children. They will not like or tolerate such brazen insult,” Raj Bhavan further said.
The Raj Bhavan and the Stalin administration confronted each other when Governor Ravi declined to give his usual speech, stating he departed in “deep anguish” because the national anthem was not performed.
According to Tamil Nadu tradition established in 1991, the state anthem, Tamil Thai Vazthu, is performed prior to the Governor’s address, while the national anthem follows it.
Nevertheless, a directive from the Union Ministry mandates that the national anthem should be played both before and after a Governor or Lieutenant Governor’s speech in a state Assembly.