In a significant recognition of his relentless dedication to social causes, Sanjay Lalwani, a prominent social worker and active member of the Gandhi Mandela Foundation, was felicitated by Lok Sabha Speaker, Shri Om Birla, on the 96th Lok Sabha Secretariat Day, held on 13th January 2025.
Lalwani’s extensive work in empowering marginalized communities has earned him widespread acclaim. As a member of the Gandhi Mandela Foundation, his efforts are rooted in the principles of equality, human rights, and social justice. He has been at the forefront of numerous initiatives that focus on education for underprivileged children, healthcare access in rural areas, and sustainable development projects that improve the lives of thousands across the nation.
Also Read: Gandhi Mandela Foundation and Kathak Heritage organize cultural program on 96th Lok Sabha Secretariat Day
The felicitation by Shri Om Birla took place during a special ceremony at Parliament House, where the Speaker lauded Lalwani’s remarkable contributions to society. Birla noted, “Sanjay Lalwani’s unwavering commitment to uplift the less fortunate reflects the ideals of Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela. His work stands as an example of how grassroots initiatives can create lasting positive change in our society.”
Lalwani, who has been working in the social sector for over two decades, expressed his gratitude for the recognition. “This honor is not just for me, but for all the people who have supported and collaborated with me in these efforts,” he said. “We must all come together to build a society where every individual has access to the opportunities they deserve.”
Through his leadership, Lalwani has played a pivotal role in advocating for the rights of marginalized groups, particularly in rural and underserved urban areas. His work, both on the ground and in policy advocacy, has made a significant impact on the lives of many, with a focus on education, health, and economic empowerment.
The 96th Lok Sabha Secretariat Day celebration not only acknowledged the critical role of the Lok Sabha in shaping the nation’s progress but also highlighted individuals like Sanjay Lalwani, whose dedicated efforts embody the spirit of public service and contribute to building a more equitable India.