A 16-member Assam Police squad, guided by Google Maps, accidentally strayed into Nagaland during a raid and was assaulted and detained by local inhabitants who confused them with offenders. The occurrence took place on Tuesday night in Mokokchung district of Nagaland, as the police team conducted a raid to apprehend a criminal.
While the armed officers, dressed in plain clothes, accidentally crossed the border into Mokokchung in Nagaland, the residents confronted them and detained them overnight. The Nagaland Police ultimately rescued the police personnel.
“Out of the 16 personnel, merely three were in uniform while the others were in civil dress. This also caused confusion among the inhabitants. They also assaulted the team, and one of our staff members sustained injuries,” a police official told PTI.
Upon learning about the police’s struggle, the Assam Police notified their colleagues in Nagaland. The police in Nagaland hurried to the scene to assist the officers from Assam.
The local residents, upon discovering that they had apprehended an actual police unit, initially freed five members and then released the other 11 the following morning, the police official added.