The BJP released its second manifesto for the Delhi elections on Tuesday. Major commitments comprise financial aid of Rs 15,000 for those preparing for competitive exams and complimentary education up to the postgraduate level, should they gain power in the national capital.
The BJP promised free education “from KG to PG” for underprivileged students in government educational institutions if the party wins in the forthcoming Delhi assembly elections.
“Free education from kindergarten to postgraduate level will be offered to underprivileged students in Delhi’s government educational institutions.” “After our government is established, we will give financial support of Rs 15,000 to the youth of Delhi for competitive exam preparation and will also cover travel and application fees for two instances,” stated BJP leader Anurag Thakur while presenting the party’s second manifesto.
In its manifesto, the BJP also promised to establish a welfare board for domestic workers, offer them life insurance of Rs 10 lakh, accident insurance of Rs 5 lakh, scholarships for their kids, and six months of paid maternity leave.
The party additionally promised to establish a welfare board for auto-taxi drivers, provide life insurance of Rs 10 lakh, accident insurance of Rs 5, vehicle insurance, and scholarships for their children.
The Delhi BJP manifesto additionally assured Scheduled Caste students a monthly allowance of Rs 1,000 through the ‘Dr BR Ambedkar Stipend Scheme.’