At least 6 individuals died after being struck by a train in Jalgaon district of Maharashtra on Wednesday. The event took place when travelers on the Pushpak Express, startled by a potential fire, leaped from the train.
The event took place when passengers from the Pushpak Express, concerned about a potential fire, leaped off and were struck by the Karnataka Express, which was approaching from the opposite side on a nearby track.
Early reports indicate that rumors of a blaze on the Pushpak Express sparked fear among travelers. Amidst the confusion, a few passengers yanked the emergency chain and leaped from the moving train to flee from the imagined danger. Upon landing on the parallel track, they were struck by the Karnataka Express approaching from the opposite side.
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Officials have stated that rescue efforts are in progress, and the precise count of casualties along with the status of the wounded is being assessed. Healthcare teams, together with local authorities and emergency responders, have arrived at the location, and the Divisional Railway Manager of Bhusawal is managing the circumstances.