A country’s armed forces are an essential resource. The military implements domestic and international policies while safeguarding its citizens.
National security is seen as a governmental responsibility, encompassing the protection of citizens, the economy, and the institutions of the nation.
National security is essential and demands substantial funding for development and upkeep. These costs are generally called military expenditure and/or defense expenditure.
China, India, and the United States, as expected, possess the largest armed forces. Most countries in the world have armed forces, and just 36 nations lack a military. Numerous countries require compulsory military service.
The United States has the largest military expenditures of any country. Its military expenditures encompass all standard operations of the Department of Defense, war expenditures, the nuclear arsenal program, global military aid, and additional costs associated with the Pentagon. In 2020, the United States allocated $778 billion for military expenses, surpassing the total of the next nine highest-spending nations combined.
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In 2023-24, every one of the top ten countries increased their military expenditures, accounting for roughly three-quarters (74%) of the worldwide total, amounting to $1799 billion, which was $105 billion more than the year before. Here are the 5 largest military spenders in the world:
In 2023, Indian military spending totaled $83.6 billion, positioning it as the fourth-largest military spender worldwide, as reported by SIPRI.
The rise was mainly attributed to escalating personnel and operational expenses, which comprised nearly 80% of the entire military budget, reflecting the government’s emphasis on enhancing operational preparedness in light of ongoing tensions with China and Pakistan.